I have been asked this and countless other questions about my business and food by many many people , family and friends...even strangers at airports.
Easily one could say a holiday meal at their parents. My mom always made great holiday food..traditional thanksgiving was the best. I can still see the wood bowl with the cut up bread with poultry seasoning in it and sauteed celery and onions....mmmmmm I still cook her "recipes" for it to this day.
And there have been many many great meals I had in Toronto or at my brothers wedding rehersal but some of those are more the people I was with than the actual food.
But for me , the very best meal I have ever had was this past summer while vacationing in Montreal.
My best gal and I were in town on my birthday for a Depeche Mode concert. There is a placed owned but a wonderful chef named Martin Picard...Au Pied De Cochon( The Foot of the Pig). It is this sweet little place..oh sweet jesus I love the look of it. Open kitchen, wood floors, tight tables and only really the rumbling of the people rather than music drowning everyone out. Even the bathroom is cool.
But it is the food....mmmmmm so many choices. I swear Shelly either was afraid to order anything because of her tummy or just didnt want me spending money on it...lol But it was on my BF card .
I had the house ale and it was sooo good.
The bus girl dropped some fresh bread that with the beer they could have just kept coming and we would have been just fine.
Shelly had a very nice salad with pommes frites deep fried in DUCK FAT....YUMMY YUMMY YUMMY.
Now me....I had been thinking about what I wanted for a month( I am a food geek after all) it was a toss up for the duck in a can( I shit you not) or pied de cochon.
The trotter won.....

Me in the mirror.....love this bathroom!!!
We both got the little deep fry package..and after "dissecting it" decided it was best left to the unknown mind since it was soooo tasty.
the best part were the potatoes...my goodness I have never tasted anything sooo fucking GOOD.
I wrote the recipe down...so will post that later but all i can say is that I had some leftover...brought it back from Montreal in a 6 hr car drive ( in a cooler) and ate it 5 days later and it tasted just as good the first time...
I recommend it to anyone......made my brother jealous.....